weekend stuff

Sooooo this weekend.
To be honest I don’t want to go into the shittiness of most of this weekend; but the one point relevant to my blog is that Kes is sick and we don’t know how long we have with her.
It is tough.

So that is all I am going to say about that. I’m going to focus on the costume and art stuff today, and new home stuff.

We are settling into our temp home at Nana’s fine. I think I’ve mostly gotten everything organized though I could do a bit more in the our bedroom and bathroom. But since I’m in con crunch I haven’t really had time for it.

Luna has settled in just fine. Maybe too much just fine, LOL. We got a couple of baby gates to put at the top of each staircase to hopefully keep her upstairs but she’s so curious she wants to explore everywhere. She hasn’t gone down the stairs yet, and she now knows there is a dog down there. So I’m hoping that’s enough to keep her where she needs to be.

And now onto sewing. I focused mostly on Amidala this weekend, for the first time in a while.
I’m honestly not feeling too good about getting this done.
I hope I can, I’m going to try, of course. I have next weekend to work solid, Chase is out of town so I should hopefully be able to get a lot done. The next weekend we are in Nashville on Saturday and I plan to take my beading with me in the car. Then I have the weekend before Dcon with no plans. But I have all this beading to do and I honestly don’t know. The first one took much longer than I expected. I do tend to get faster as I go at these things, so that’s hopeful.

So, the appliques…

I used my pattern guides I printed MONTHS ago to trace the basic shapes onto a thin felt. I decided to use felt as a backing to give each piece some “heft” and make it easier to bead them, and sew them on.

Used satin as the outer layer. Luna helped. I ended up using the wrong side of the satin, the right side was too shiny.

Got them sewn together, turned, pressed and top-stitched.

Luna helps some more

Finished all 12 Saturday morning. There are 4 “Big Fish” as I’m calling them (shoulder, interior sleeve). 2 “Half Fish” (exterior sleeve center hem), and 4 “Quarter Fish” (each side of exterior sleeve hem). There are 3 pieces that go down the front, and I halved one of those for the collar piece.

Starting beading

It’s… ok.
The biggest problem I have with this first one is that I did the outer edge of the beading in too far. It squished everything up. And my beads are a tiny bit bigger than they should be but I was working with what I found locally, so oh well.


Focused on getting the edge beading on a bunch of them last night instead of finishing the big one. Made sure to get closer to the edge on these.

So I’m not in love with how these look. But they’re ok. They’re fine. My “care about it” level is at, like, a 2 out of 10.


I got some shoes painted for the orange thing.

Bought my Catherine Tate photo-op and got my Unicorn & the Wasp dress out of storage.

Decorated a bag with my pins.

So here is my to-do list:
Style wig
Create braided hair section at top
“Crown” pieces (chase is working on these for me)
Get insets attached
Get snaps put in
Make sleeves/attach
Make collar/attach
Finish beading the appliques and get them on

Crait Leia;
Style Wig
Mod ring

Silly costume #1:
Redo straps

Silly costume #2:
Trim wig
Dye wig
Finish prop

Silly Costume #3:

I think I may go ahead and try to knock on Crait Leia and Silly Costume #2’s wig stuff tonight. Then I can focus on that prop and Amidala for the rest of the time.

I’ve only got one new art thingie to show today.